Young adults

Looking for novels suitable for young adults about climate change? See our recommendations below for novels that incorporate aspects of the changing climate. We are aware that all young adults will have different needs, wants and indeed anxieties regarding this subject, and that a 13 year old may well read something very different to a 17 year old so please do read the blurbs carefully.


Julie Bertagna – ExodusTony Bradman (ed) – Under The Weather
Sarah Crossan – BreatheNicola Davies – The Song That Sings Us
Lauren James – Green RisingSaci Lloyd – The Carbon Diaries 2015
Blair Richmond – Out Of BreathNeal and Jarrod Shusterman – Dry
Sarah Govett – The TerritoryManon Steffan Ros – The Blue Book of Nebo
Nicky Singer – IslandShaun Tan – Tales From The Inner City